Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT)
Crisis services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by calling: 1-800-772-5987
Within our six county region, crisis staff serve any person who is experiencing, or is at risk of, a psychological crisis or who requires mental health intervention. Crisis staff are also available to provide follow up support with the aim of developing healthy coping skills and maintaining stability while also working toward overcoming resistance to treatment when appropriate. Our crisis staff are usually contacted by clients, family members, neighbors, friends, landlords, clergy, schools, community agencies, law enforcement or other person(s) concerned about an individual.
As part of Pecan Valley’s continuum of crisis care, each of our three Mobile Crisis Outreach Teams (MCOT) provide expert mental health services for children, adolescents or adults who are experiencing a psychiatric crisis. These services may be provided at a place of residence, school, business, hospital, MHMR clinic or other community-based safe location.
MCOT staff are trained professionals holding either a master’s level or bachelor’s level degree in the social services field. Team members undergo intensive training in crisis intervention skills and their application to a wide variety of situations. On-going training assures the community that team members’ knowledge and abilities are up-to-date with the best practices available in the field.
MCOT staff provide:
Prompt assessment and evaluation in community including assessing an individual in danger of attempting suicide
Direction for stabilization in the least restrictive environment
Crisis Resolution
Follow up Services to ensure the person in crisis receives the needed help
Crisis relapse prevention of a mental health crisis through:
Information about mental health treatment
Referral and linkage to community services