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A Peer Provider (Certified Peer Specialist, Peer Support Specialist, Recovery Coach) is a person who uses his or her lived experience of recovery from mental illness and/or addiction. Through learned skills, Peers are able to deliver services in behavioral health settings to promote mind-body and resiliency. Based on the philosophy of peer support, services include programs, discussions, events, and groups that are led by people in recovery and provide current clients with hope for recovery. By walking in their shoes, Peer Providers give clients comfort in truly understanding their challenges and act as a support system for when someone encounters struggles on their road to recovery.


Strengths Peer Providers Add to the Integrated Workplace?


Peer Providers bring unique strengths and qualities to the integrated care team. These strengths include:

  • Personal experience with whole health recovery that includes addressing wellness of both mind and body

  • Insight into the experience of internalized stigma and how to combat it

  • Compassion and commitment to helping others, rooted in a sense of gratitude

  • Cant take away the "you do not know what it's like" excuse

  • Experience of moving from hopelessness to hope

  • In a unique position to develop a relationship of trust, which is espcially helpful in working with people in trauma recovery

  • A developed skill in monitoring their illness and self-managing their lives holistically

Pecan Valley Peer Providers?

Who Is On Our Team: We are expecting continued growth to the program and throughout the Region. PVC is excited about the program growing because we have seen first-hand how it can change lives. Currently, our staff includes:


  •  Part-time Peer Provider and  full-time Peer Provider  in Cleburne.

  •  Full-time Certified Peer Specialist/WRAP Facilitator in Weatherford and Mineral Wells

  •  Part-time Certified Peer Specialist/WRAP Facilitator in Weatherford.




If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Peer Provider in our six county territory, please contact our peer support staff at or (817) 558-1121. 


*Peer Provider information courtesy of SAMHSA 

Peer Providers

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